Following Clicking Noise, My Car Didn't Start - What's Wrong?

Let’s imagine a scenario! Like every day, in the morning, you take the large coffee mug and your bag and get ready to load up your vehicle. While turning the key, you notice that the car won't move a bit. Also, you can hear a clicking noise. You have to hire mechanics once again. It is the third time in a row you hired an expert in a month.

You have spent money like water to drive your car smoothly, but to no avail. It's the story of many people across the world. Why is the car behaving like this? Is there nothing you can do? Is it time to sell it to junk car buyers? You may come up with several questions; let's find out why your car would not start after making a clicking noise suddenly.

Which Type of Clicking Noise Did You Hear?

While starting your buddy, if you hear a single clicking sound, it's time to contact a car mechanic. Clicking sounds means there is something wrong with your car. But what is that? Actually, you can identify the problem just by hearing the noise. Usually, there are two types of noise - single click and multiple fast clicks. This indicates that your engine has some issues. Facing this problem once or maybe twice is alright, but when it's become too often, you should sell your junk cars to the car scrap junction.

Why Does Your Car Make Single Clicking Sound?

Engine Is Damaged

The starter is mostly responsible for this type of problem, but sometimes the vehicle makes a single clicking noise due to a damaged engine. You must ensure that there is enough gas in your tank. Otherwise, the engine can melt the surrounding things.

There is another reason behind this. When you do not drive your car for a long time, rust can build up on the engine, which causes damage. It would be wise to sell your junk cars to scrap car buyers in OKC when the damage cost exceeds its current price.

A Repetitive Defective Starter Is a Sign of Junk Cars

A starter is basically a motor that takes power from the car's battery to start the engine. Car owners should replace the starter after driving nearly 50,000 miles to avoid such problems.

Can You Take A DIY Approach to Replace the Starter?

Of course, you can. First, take the jack from the trunk and lift the car. After that, pop the hood to disconnect the batteries. Next, remove surrounding parts to get good access to the starter. Then, disconnect all the connections if there are still any. Now, you must remove the starter very carefully and replace it with a new one.

After that, connect the parts again with the starter and also, don't forget to reconnect the battery terminals. Now, start the engine and that's it. Your car is ready to hit the road, AGAIN!

We, the Junk Car Buyers, Are Your Junk Genies

We understand that it's hard to give up your car like that. It's not just a piece of metal; a lot of memory and emotions are wrapped up in your own car. However, since the car is purchased with your hard-earned money, you can either donate or sell it rather than keeping it in a darkened garage.

Cash 4 Cars is an authorized car scrap dealer where you can get to know the scrap car price before selling it. Our professional junk car buyers in OKC will evaluate your car's current condition and offer the value its worth.

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